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HEALTH+ // Hand Sanitizers

NOVEX Sanitizer Wipe
Non-Alcohol Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitizer Wipe
  • Biodegradable
  • Non-Toxic
  • Non-flammable & alcohol free
  • Non-corrosive to aircraft
  • pH balanced to protect the skin from dryness and irritation
  • DIN: 02555247


NOVEX Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitizer Wipes are an effective alcohol free anti-bacterial hand sanitizing wipe that eliminates 99.99% of germs, leaving hands feeling soft, clean & sanitized. This wipe is soft and durable and comes in an individual sachet, which readily supports in-flight cleaning procedures of airline cabin and flight crew and are designed for easy inflight use. 

Product currently Health Canada Registered as NOVEX Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitizer Wipe with DIN# 02555247.


• DIN#: 02555247

Ordering Info

Part NumberSizesCase Pack
4977/005/CAN Individual Pack 1000