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Aviation // Solvents

High Flash Point Solvent
  • Residue free cleaning
  • High Flash Point - Low-Flammability
  • Powerful degreasing and cleaning performance
  • Safe of plastics, metals, and good condition paintwork
  • Biodegradable
  • Pleasant citrus scent
  • Low solvent consumption and long working time
  • Reduces VOC emisions


Actasol HFP is developed for use in the aviation industries. It is infused with high flash point solvents that make the product less-flammable. The residual-free solvent cleaner removes greases, jelly, soils, tar and bitumen residues, corrosion inhibiting compounds, adhesives and oils from surfaces. The solvent formulation has low volatile organic compoun (VOC) emissions and is an eco-friendly and biodegradable product. It is a good replacement for mineral spirits, thinners, and chlorinated solvents.


• BOEING BSS7434 (Category: Solvent cleaners, general cleaning)
• AMS 1526C
• AMS 1536C

Ordering Info

Part NumberSizesCase Pack
5353/42/AMS 1 Gallon 2